Mike: Nice to meet you. I'm a retired businessman. When my store burned down, rather than rebuilding I took the insurance money and retired here. John: You know, I'm a retired businessman, too. When a flood washed away my store I took the insurance money and retired here, too. Mike is silent for a while then he asks John, "How do you start a flood?"
Girls r 70% Beauty Girls r 75% Sweet Girls r 85% Naughty Girls r 90% Cute Girls r 100% Lovely Total 70+75+85+90+100 = 420 Read More Hindi Funny Jokes Funny Girls Jokes
Funny Chemistry class note jokes Teacher: who will tell the chemical formula of water? One student: Its "h.i.j.k.l.m.n.o." Teacher: What is this? Student: Mam, yesterday you told us that it is H to O !!